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2018 - Here We Come

As I look back over 2017 and everything that has happened for Jordan and I in our work lives and in our personal lives I find myself humbled and in awe of God's provision, and by His grace and love. This isn't a platform for my personal life happenings, but I do think it is important to be somewhat transparent as a photographer who documents life as it happens for other people.

Jordan and I have been through a lot in 2017. Many ups, many downs, sometimes seemingly more downs than ups. But one thing remains - GOD'S LOVE NEVER FAILS. I understand that it may sound like a cliché Christian statement... Until you are walking through your own deep, dark, valley, you may never understand the complete truth in that four word phrase. For those of you who have been there or are there right now and make the choice to surrender everything to Him, you understand. Peace that surpasses all understanding is something that I have learned is real. There were days (weeks, really) that should have been the worst of our lives thus far but we had Peace.

I have been blessed this year with the distraction of being kept busy doing something I love and I cannot wait for what the new year brings. Thank you to everyone who trusted me this past year with capturing your special memories. I think each and every one of our sessions together was just what I needed ♡

As we start 2018 anew, I look forward to what it will bring for CCPhotography but also for Jordan and I. God's timing is perfect and He knows what we need and when, better than we do. That doesn't always make things easy. But He knows our hearts deepest desires and He provides.

All in His perfect timing.

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